MGOCSM Constitution

MGOCSM Constitution



The name of the organization shall be Mar Gregorios Orthodox Christian Student Movement of India.

His Holiness the Catholicos of the East shall be the Patron of the Movement.

The Office of the Movement shall be at the Mar Gregorios Orthodox Christian Student Center, Kottayam.

The Jurisdiction of the Movement shall be the same as the jurisdiction of the Catholicate of the East.

The Objects of the Movement shall be:

a) To help its members and others, particularly students and young people, to grow up as true disciples of the Lord, Jesus Christ and loyal members of the Church through:

1. Worship
2. Study, and
3. Service

1. Worship
The Movement shall encourage the spirit of worship and train the youth of the Church in private prayer as well as in corporate worship and shall endeavor to interpret the meaning of the liturgy and other forms of worship, by inculcating the habit of regular attendance at the Holy Qurbana and arranging retreats and special days of prayer.

2. Study
The Movement shall organize study groups, lecture series, seminars, symposia and regional and annual conferences for the study of the Bible, the Faith of the Church and social concerns.

3. Service
The Movement shall endeavor

(a) To render financial help to poor and deserving people by raising funds and shall minister to the sick and provide medical care wherever possible.
(b) To bear witness to the Lordship of Christ in every aspect of life and to help the spread of the Gospel.
(c) To publish pamphlets, periodicals and books in furtherance of the objects of the Movement.
(d) To co-operate or federate with organizations and institutions with similar or allied objects in India and abroad.
(e) To start hostels, student centers and other institutions having their own constitution approved by the M.G.O.C.S.M, Assembly for the benefit of students and youth in important places.
(f) To purchase, hire, take on lease or otherwise acquire all kinds of property, movable or immovable, which may be deemed necessary for the attainment of the objects of the Movement and to sell, mortgage, pledge as security or otherwise dispose of any such property, subject to the Constitution of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church.
(g) To take loans or otherwise, borrow money or such securities as may be decided upon from time to time by the M.G.O.C.S M. Assembly of the Movement.
(h) To deposit in banks or to invest in securities such funds of the Movement as are not immediately required.
(i) To take all, possible, legitimate steps or measures in order to achieve these objects.
(j) To do all such other lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of these objects.

Any student of a college or high school who belongs to the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church shall be eligible to become a member of the Movement. Any person other than a student, belonging to the Church and subscribing to the aims and objects of the Movement, shall also be eligible to become a member of the Movement.



1. The ‘Movement’ means Mar Gregorios Orthodox Christian Student Movement of India.
2. Except where it is repugnant to the context ‘Member’ means a person enrolled as per Rule (1 Enrollment).
3. The ‘Church’ means the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church.
4. ‘Conference’, ‘MGOCSM Assembly’, Executive Committee’, ‘Unit’, ‘President’, ‘Vice-President’, ‘General Secretary’, ‘Associate Secretaries’, ‘Joint Secretaries’, ‘Regional Secretaries’ and ‘Treasurer’ shall mean respectively of the Movement, constituted, elected or appointed in accordance with these Rules.


Any student or non-student who is a member of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church intending to become a. member of the Movement shall forward to the General Secretary through the Unit Secretary an application in the prescribed form along with the membership fee. Persons who are not in a position to apply for membership through a unit apply for membership directly to the General Secretary. The Executive Committee may reject any such application without assigning reasons.

The membership fee shall be Rs.1/- for students and Rs.2/- for non-students per annum, half of which shall be retained by the unit for local expenses.

The Official year of the Movement shall be from April to March31.


(a) The funds of the Movement shall consist of membership fees, donations, and such other moneys as may be raised from time to time by the Movement.
(b) The funds of the Movement shall b~ deposited in the name of the Movement in a nationalized or scheduled bank approved by the Executive Committee and the account shall be jointly operated by the President and the Treasurer.
(c) The General Secretary may keep an imprest of a sum not exceeding Rs. 500/-
(d) All payments shall be made on proper vouchers, and within budget allotments.
(e) The funds of the Movement shall be used solely for the promotion of the objects of the Movement and no portion thereof shall be divided or distributed in the form of profit, dividend or bonus.


(a) The annual budget shall be prepared by the Executive Committee, and passed by the Assembly.
(b) The accounts of the Movement shall be maintained by the Treasurer.

It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to place before the Assembly every year, an audited statement of (1) Income and Expenditure (2) Assets and Liabilities along with the Annual Report of the working of the Movement.


(a) A unit of the Movement shall be constituted in every educational institution where there are ten or more members.
(b) The administration of the unit shall be vested in the committee of the unit consisting of the President, Vice-President, the Student Secretary, Joint Secretary (female), Treasurer and five other members elected under the provisions of the constitution for the Unit approved by the Executive Committee.
(c). The President and the Secretaries of the unit for the coming year shall be elected at the concluding annual meeting of the unit. The other members of the committee shall be elected at the beginning of the following academic year.
(d) The unit committee may raise by way of subscription or donation such funds as may be necessary for the working of the unit.
(e) The unit secretary shall forward to the General Secretary a report of the activities of the unit with a statement of income and expenditure for each year within fifteen days of the end of the year.
(f) It shall be the duty of the Unit Committee to carry out the decisions of the Assembly and the Executive Committee and generally to promote the objects of the Movement.


A. In order that units of the same category and members with similar aptitudes may work efficiently for common good by sharing their experiences and aspirations, the Movement shall have the following wings:

1. Collegiate Wing:- Units in Arts, Science and I.. ~w Colleges
2. Medical Auxiliary: – Units in Medical Colleges and Schools of Nursing.
3. Technical Auxiliary :~ Units in Engineering and Technical Colleges.
4. High School Wing :-Units in High Schools
5. Literary and Cultural Forum:- Members of the Movement engaged or interested in literary and cultural activities shall constitute this wing.
6. Missionary Forum:-Members of the Movement engaged or interested in Missionary activities shall constitute the Missionary Forum. This shall incorporate the Bishop Pakenhalm-Walsh Memorial Teaching Mission also.
7. University Teachers’ Orthodox Christian Association:­ University and College teachers of the Movement shall constitute this wing.
8. Orthodox School Teachers’ Association:- School teachers in the Movement shall constitute this wing.

B. The administration of each of the wings shall be vested in a Committee consisting of the President and the General Secretary of the Movement, Vice-President, Joint Secretary, Treasurer and not less than five other members elected as per the provisions of the constitution of the wing approved by the Executive Committee.

The administration of the Movement shall be vested in:­

(a) The MGOCSM Assembly and
(b) The Executive Committee of the Movement.


A. The Assembly for each year shall consist of:­

1. The President, the Senior Vice-President, two student Vice-Presidents one of whom shall be a woman, the General Secretary, two Associate Secretaries both non-students, one of whom shall be a woman, two joint Secretaries both students, one of whom shall be a woman, the Regional Secretaries, one Treasurer and four persons nominated by the President.
2. The President or Vice-President (non-student) of each unit as decided by the unit.
3. The student Secretaries of each unit (one male and one female).
4. The Vice- Presidents and Secretaries of the various wings.

B. There shall be at least one meeting of the Assembly every year and meetings of the Assembly may be held whenever the President deems it necessary.
C. The Assembly of the Movement shall be the statutory general body of the Movement competent to take final decision on all matters relating to the business of the Movement.
D. 15 days’ notice shall be given for a meeting of the Assembly.
E. The quorum for a meeting of the Assembly shall be one-third of its members or twenty-five whichever is less.
F. The Assembly shall elect the Senior Vice-President, two student Vice-Presidents of whom one shall be a woman, two Associate Secretaries both non-­students, one of whom shall be a woman, two Joint Secretaries both students, one of whom shall be a woman and nine members of the Executive Committee of whom five shall be students.


(a) The Executive Committee of the Movement for each year shall consist of the President, the Senior Vice-President, two student Vice-Presidents, the General Secretary, two Associate Secretaries, two Joint Secretaries, one Treasurer, nine members elected by the Assembly of whom five shall be students and the General Secretary of the Orthodox Youth Movement of the Church who shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee.
(b) There shall be at least three meetings of the Executive Committee every year; and more meetings of the Executive Committee may be held whenever the President deems it necessary.
(c) 15 days’ notice shall be given for a meeting of the Executive Committee. However, if necessary, an urgent meeting of the Executive Committee may be convened at a shorter notice.
(d) The quorum for a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be on&third of its members or seven whichever is less.
(e) The Executive Committee shall:­

1. Prepare the budget to be passed by the Assembly,
2. Prepare the annual report and statement of accounts &
3. Supervise and control the work of the office-bearers.

The Office-bearers of the Movement shall be:

1. The President,
2. The Vice-Presidents,
3. The General Secretary,
4. The Associate Secretaries,
5. Two Joint Secretaries and
6. The Treasurer.


a) The President of the Movement shall be a Metropolitan nominated by the Holy Episcopal Synod of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church.
(b) The President shall have the general control and supervision of the administration of the Movement
(c) All bonds and documents in favour of the Movement shall be in the name of the President and all bonds and documents of the Movement shall be executed by him.
(d) The President shall appoint the General Secretary and Treasurer in consultation with the Executive Committee.
(e) The President shall appoint Regional Secretaries as and when necessary.

The Vice-Presidents shall assist the President in the discharge of his duties.

The General Secretary shall

(a) Submit to the President regular reports of the working of the Movement.
(b) Conduct all correspondence on behalf of the Movement.
(c) Convene meetings.
(d) Maintain books and registers other than account books.
(e) Pass bills for payment.
(f) Do in consultation with the President and subject to the directions and control of the Executive Committee such other thirgs as may be necessary for the proper administration of the Movement.

The Associate and Joint Secretaries shall assist the General Secretary in the discharge of his duties.


(a) The Treasurer shall collect fees, donations and such other moneys as are due to the Movement, issue receipts, make payments and maintain the accounts of the Movement.
(b) The Treasurer shall deposit all moneys in a nationalised bank or Scheduled bank approved by the Executive Committee in the joint names of the President and the Treasurer.

The rules of the Movement may be amended by a resolution passed by a two-third majority of the members present and voting at a meeting of the Assembly, provided notice of such resolution has been given along with the notice of the meeting. The amendment shall be reported to the Holy Episcopal Synod.


(a) The Assembly and the Executive Committee shall have the power to frame their own rules of procedure.
(b) The President shall be the Chairman at all meetings of the Annual Conference, the Assembly and the Executive Committee. If he is not present, one of the Vice-Presidents authorised in writing by the President shall preside over the meeting.
(c) Except where otherwise provided all questions coming up before a meeting of the Annual Conference, Assembly or Executive Committee shall be decided by a simple majority of the members present and voting. In case of a tie the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
(d) The term of the office-bearers, the Executive Committee and Assembly shall be one year provided however that they shall continue to function until their successors are elected, appointed or constituted.